Wake up smoking increase the risk of Cancer

Heavily smoker is hard to avoid cigarette. Some smoker even smoke right after they woke up, it's because they felt bitter if they doesn't smoke.

According independence studies, people who smoke right after they wake up has more higher risk to getting mouth and lung cancer.

From 1,945 smoker participates, they found that 32 percent of them are smoking 5 minutes after they woke up and 31 percent participates light their cigarette for around 6 to 30 minutes after they woke up.

People who directly smoke after they woke up will have more higher of nicotine-derived nitrosamine ketone (NNK) compound that causing a tumor. It's more higher than people who smoke in 1 hour after they woke up. No matter how many cigarette that they have smoke that day.

"We believe that people after woke up will smoke more often and more deeply" Leader of Research Team, Steven Branstetter from Penn State University, U.S.

Not only determine who have the more risk of mouth or lung cancer but this study also found that habit to smoke right after woke up can eliminated others factor that affect NNK level in smoker body, such as the age of the smoker, gender and what age does people start their smoke habit.

Researcher hopes that from this studies can motivating people to find new method to help smoker stop their bad habit.


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